Engineering Everything

Engineering Everything:

Hey guys! welcome again. we know engineering is a branch of science, menace science deals with introducing laws and theorem, whee as engineering deals with innovation based on practical application of that laws and theorem.

Thats why you will see all the innovation made till now all are based on basic scientific laws. 

lets take an example. All of us use a bike regular. you will say thats not a big deal, but have you ever thought about the science behind the driving a bike. you know that driving a bike it seems to be very easy process but behind the seen many of scientific laws are working to run bike safely,

lets see one by one,

As soon as you hit the starter button, starter motor rotates and engine starts. and all the process happens within a second, but you know what happens behind the seen, when starter motor rotates the electrical energy stored into battery is converted into mechanical energy, and this energy given to crank which actuates the cranking on engine. again chemical energy stored into fuel is converted into heat energy during combustion and this heat energy converted into mechanical energy during expansion process,
and via gear box it given to wheels. 

What a marvelous all of this is, but you  know which law works behind it, yes its law of energy conversion. energy neither be created nor be destroyed, only it can be converted from one form to another one.

Now take another example, your bike is in idle condition and you put first gear and throttle a bit and bike moves, here first law of motion and third low of motion acts. 

Now you might have realized that every single process happening around is based on basic scientific law.but we are unaware about it. hence to introduce amazing world of engineering and science we are introducing new called "Engineering Everything."

Here we will introduce day to day life events where engineering and science plays combined role which will makes you aww. so get ready to explore the hidden beauty of engineering!!!