Engineering Everything

Newton's First Law of Motion:


Newton's first law of motion-more familiarly Known as law of inertia-"all objects inherently resist to change in their state of motion.
A thing at the rest remains at rest, and an object in motion Keeps moving in the same direction and at same speed, unless some outside agency disturbs it," the thing which disturb the motion is called force.



We all are familiar with this toy, yes its spinning top. we wound a string around it which acts as spring, as soon as we unwound the thread motion is given to top and it start rotating. it rotate for a long time and finally falls down.
so question is why does it go on spinning? Inertia, A moving object  will persist in its motion, along the same axis, unless a  force acts to change or stop it, 

        Any object follows above principle is known as "Gyroscope."

      During rotation of top two forces acts on it, the inertia force due to its motion and second is universal force yes its gravity. but here inertia force is more than gravity, it manage to overcome the effect of gravity and keeps top rotating.
but when inertia force goes weaker, gravity try to acts on top, when finally gravity force becomes stronger than inertia top loses its motion and falls down.

        In 1852 french physicist Leon Faucult create a precision gyroscope and the instrument got that name gyroscope. the gyroscope word is derived from greek word which basically menace rotation watcher.

        Once the rotor gains its motion that is rotary motion it maintains its orientation, no mater in what direction gimble and frame rotates, this property makes the gyroscope tremendously useful tool. 

        The most basic application of gyroscope is maintains the orientation of a flight, the instrument in known ans gyro compass.

        Another application of gyroscope such as missile guiding system, space shuttle guiding system, tunnel boring guiding system and so on where maintaining the orientation is basic requirement.