Hard hats Color Codes

Hard Hats

A hard hat is a type of helmet predominantly used in workplace environments such as industrial or construction sites to protect the head from injury due to falling objects, impact with other objects, debris, rain, and electric shock.

What you might not know, however, is that different color hats signify different things on site, letting workers know who is who and carrying out what role. Although this color coding system differs from country to country and even within individual organizations, there are a few basic rules that can help you to identify workers from the color of their hats.

Site managers, foremen, engineers or supervisors usually wear white hats on site.

Yellow is the color for general laborers and earth moving operators.

Green often signifies a safety inspector but can also be used by new workers on the site or probationary staff.

Lifting operatives, Banksman slingers/signalers or traffic marshals but mainly lifting operatives wear orange hard hats so the crane operator can pick them out from other operatives 

Fire Marshal's usually wear red hard hats complete with sticker ("Fire Marshal").

Brown hats are worn by welders and other workers with high heat applications.

Grey is the color often worn by site visitors. And if employees forget their hats or misplace them, there is often a nice bright pink helmet on site they have to wear in the meantime. 


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  5. Good post regarding the importance of safety helmets. Very informative. Thanks.
